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Also there is another snipped picture from my notes for articles


I have started this course by reading the article even before starting university, this is a sign how much I was excited to start my studies in University of Oulu, the article was titled “Four Stages of Research on the Educational Use of Ubiquitous Computing” and it was written by my Professor for this course (though I didn’t know when I was reading it) Jari Laru, and Piia Naykki & Sanna Jarvela. The term “ubiquitous” was totally new to me, I’ve never heard about, Actually I took time to read it correctly .

This article was quite interesting and it introduced me to the educational technology field from a research-based perspective, this was new to me. It talked about Gartner’s hype cycle and how it was used as the basis for categorizing and analyzing research on the educational use of ubiquitous computing. I draw a mind map for Gartner’s hype cycle since I like mind mapping but I used normal word document because I didn’t yet know about mind mapping websites till I began the course with Jari.

This course had introduced to a lot of new scientific terms and a lot of magnificent educational technologies and gadgets that I’ve never dreamt about it. My knowledge before this course can’t be compared to my knowledge of it. And I will make sure to dig deeper into the materials continuously and try to get the advantage of every single information in it in my educational path.

In order to accomplish that course, we had to write reflections about what we learnt and acquired through this course. I preferred to write them after finishing my course that way I’ll be able to revise everything I had and still I can remember my feelings at each stage. My blog will be divided into three categories, one about ICT literacy, the second about special themes and the final one about Project-oriented and emergent themes.

In the end

Comparing what I knew before the course and after the course concerning technology and learning environments I think I won't be fair and I will forget something. Curating, PLE, embeding, coding, programming, VR, Augmented reality, Learning Management systems, 3D designing and Printing, laser cutter, google and microsoft eductaional communitites, open badges and many more, all these terms were totally new to me, I had no idea about them and I'm very glad that I know them now. This proves at least to me how much my knowledge has enriched and how much my skills were developed and I will continue developing them. I'm planning to complete training courses in microsoft educational community to be microsoft google educator. Also, I'll join the digital fabrication course to master 3D printing and laser cutting and will think how to get most of it in educational field, and your open course to explore the new gadgets you will bring next semester. I think technology is an addiction that you should have warned us about it in the beginning of the course. Technology is the language of this century and we are learning its secrets and how we can help learning and education by implementing and integrating technology into them.

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